Dec 7, 2015 – ADAMS hosted Honorable Jeh Johnson, United States Secretary of Homeland Security

On Monday Dec 7, 2015 ADAMS hosted a National Security and Civil Rights Community Leaders forum and Press Conference with Honorable Jeh Johnson, United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Imam Mohamed Magid, Executive Religious Director, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS); and Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Local Police Leaders (list below).
Press Conference Videos/Articles
There was live and more TV media coverage by others – CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX NEWS, NY Times, Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya, Al-Gad, BBC, LA Times, and 20 other Media outlets.
American Muslims are partners in national security who work closely with law enforcement for our Nation’s good.  All people of faith and conscience must stand against terrorism, extremism, bigotry, racism, and hate.  We all mourn the loss of life and the suffering of the victims of the recent and past mass shootings and terrorism. We re-affirm that Islamic tradition is clear that the taking of a single life is the equivalent of the killing of all humanity,These horrific acts moreover should NOT be permitted to vilify and stereotype the peaceful and law-abiding Muslim, Sikh and other minority communities in America. We must all work together to prevent hate crimes and intimidation.

We further believe that the successful engagement of American Muslim communities with our national, state and local, civic group, public policy and law enforcement leadership must continue to grow, and be mutually strengthened for the benefit of current and future generations of all Americans.

Reference:  Fatwa (Religious Ruling) Against Terrorism

1) Pastor Joan Bell Hayes – United Christian Parish
2) Pastor Scott Johnson – Oakbrook Church
3) Sher Singh and Gurpreet Singh – Sikh Community of Sterling, VA
4) Catherine Orsborne – Shoulder to Shoulder INTERFAITH COALITION
5) Rabbi Gerry Serotta – Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington
6) Reverend Stephen Smith Cobbs – Trinity Presbyterian Church
7) Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin C. Roessler Jr


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