The thoughts and prayers of the entire ADAMS Community are with the two men that were murdered (Ricky John Best and Taliesin Namkai-Meche) and one injured (Micah David-Cole Fletcher) in Portland, Oregon while trying to defend two Muslim women from Anti-Muslim harassment by an apparent white supremacist( Jeremy Joseph Christian)
We earnestly thank and honor these heroes for their courage in trying to help these innocent women, and are broken-hearted by the price they paid for trying to be good citizens, good Americans, and good human beings. We commend the local police for apprehending the perpetrator (Jeremy Joseph Christian) of this horrific hate crime and blatant terrorist act.
This incomprehensible horrific criminal act has devastated the lives of all the victims, and will affect every person of faith and conscience. We condemn such actions and offer our deepest sympathy to all those affected.
This incomprehensible horrific criminal act has devastated the lives of all the victims, and will affect every person of faith and conscience. We condemn such actions and offer our deepest sympathy to all those affected.
We must all work to respond to bad with good and encourage peace and harmony. We therefore encourage all our community members to please help the families of the three Portland Heroes in our holy month of Ramadan by donating to project/muslims_united_for_ portland_heroes#/.