ADAMS Peaceful Response to Anti-Muslim Protests and Rallies in 20+ Cities Around the Nation

On October 9 – 10, 2015, some US-based hate groups are planning anti-Muslim protests and rallies in 20+ cities around the nation, targeting mosques, high-traffic Muslim communities, and government buildings. In the DC Area, Masjid Muhammad in DC and Dar Al-Taqwa in Maryland are potential targets of these protesters. The rallies are being promoted under the guise of “Global Rally for Humanity.” Some of these hate groups are threatening to be armed at the protests, and are encouraging other so-called “Patriots” to similarly bring their weapons to the protests on those days.

Although the ADAMS Community or any of our locations are not on their list, we advise everyone to take precautions.

We have already been in contact and coordination with law enforcement and other Mosques, and appreciate the vigilance and dedication of DOJ, FBI, DHS, and Local Law enforcement. These hate groups will be claiming to exercise their right to engage in hateful speech, and to carry loaded weapons. ADAMS encourages our Muslim community and all people of good conscience to exercise their Constitutional rights of free speech, but without provocative hateful speech and guns. We want to ensure our message of peace is conveyed through continued interfaith work, positive speech, and civic engagement.

Information on the anti-Muslim protests at 20+ Mosques:

We especially thank all our Interfaith partners and Government Officials.

Please see some Interfaith groups that are responding to this and continuing to partner with Muslim community for Religious Freedom:

Please review this video – American Muslims Fact Vs Fiction


  • ADAMS is a religious and civic institution, and we work with interfaith, government, law enforcement and other officials.
  • People with proper permits may carry guns anytime, but they are NOT allowed in a house of worship and its premises.
  • People have a right to protest and say whatever they want, and do NOT have right to hurt anyone.
  • People also do NOT have the right to in any way impede people coming to mosque or other buildings.

Advice to our Community:

  • Please call 911 immediately for any emergency or threat.
  • Stay calm and peaceful; do NOT engage with protesters in any way.
  • Please do NOT invite protesters into the mosque because they may have weapons.
  • If you generally walk to the mosque, please consider driving to the mosque instead on those days.
  • Please do NOT allow your children to walk by themselves to or around the mosque.
  • If you must walk to your mosque, please do NOT walk by yourself on the sidewalk alone.
  • Please do NOT engage in eye contact with any protesters.
  • If they impede and block you coming to mosque, please report to ADAMS Administration ASAP.
  • We don’t expect any other incidents, but any incidents encountered must be reported to Brother Ahsanullah, Chair of ADAMS Security at .
  • Please pray for peace, understanding, dialogue, and harmony.

Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign Twitter suggestions:

Join us starting this Friday Oct 9 at 3 pm EST (please wait until then to maximize social media takeover potential) on Twitter and Facebook to begin the nationwide social media pushback against these hateful acts.

We are using the hashtags #LoveYourNeighbor and #HateUnchecked, and we encourage you to post photos, videos or other sharable content with these. Here’s a Facebook event page dedicated the #HateUnchecked piece of this campaign, and as an inter-religious organization, we have added #LoveYourNeighbor to our portion of this push. Some ideas for social media engagement

  • Post a photo that shows positive interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims in your community (from a dinner, a service project, or just hanging out), tagged with #LoveYourNeighbor #HateUnchecked
  • Post a quote from your religious tradition (scripture, a quote from a religious leader, etc) tagged with #LoveYourNeighbor #HateUnchecked
  • Post a video of yourself or with others stating what in your religious tradition drives you to stand against this hate, tagged with #LoveYourNeighbor #HateUnchecked
  • Post a photo of yourself (in clerical clothing, if that applies to you) – alone or with others in your community- holding the attached sign and tag with #LoveYourNeighbor #HateUnchecked
  • Some sample tweets:
    • Silence from the majority will destroy our country. We can no longer sit back. We must all raise our voices against #HateUnchecked. #LoveYourNeighbor
    • My religious tradition teaches us to #LoveYourNeighbor. We won’t sit silently when there is #HateUnchecked.
    • Our country is at its best when all communities are treated with equal dignity and respect #LoveYourNeighbor #HateUnchecked
    • “Do unto others” means religious freedom for all #LoveYourNeighbor #HateUnchecked

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