ADAMS’ Deepest Sympathy for Pakistani Christians & Muslims in Lahore and Peshawar and victims in Iraqi soccer stadium

The All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) extends our most sincere and profound sympathy to all the Pakistani Christians  and Muslims killed in the senseless and tragic attack in Lahore on Mar 27, 2016, as well as in the attack on Muslims in a  bus  in Peshawar on Mar 16, 2016. We also take this time to remember the victims of the horrific terrorist attack against Iraqis in a soccer stadium on Mar 25, 2016. Islam holds that taking of a single innocent life is equivalent of killing of all humanity.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, and we continue to pray for an end to these barbaric actions in Pakistan and anywhere in the world.

Fatwa(Religious Ruling) Against Terrorism

We hope the perpetrators of these heinous crimes are swiftly apprehended and brought to justice under the full extent of law, and we again urge the Government of Pakistan to do everything possible to protect all communities there.

Since 2006 ADAMS’ leadership has strenuously advocated for the rights of religious minorities worldwide.  ADAMS Executive Religious Director Imam Mohamed Magid recently went to Marrakesh, with 250 other Muslim leaders from around the world, to sign a Declaration supporting religious minorities in Muslim majority countries.

Muslims are the vast majority (82% to 97%) of victims of terrorist attacks worldwide. Over 35,000 Pakistanis (mostly Muslim) have been murdered in Terrorist actions between September 11, 2001 and May 2011.  All people of faith and conscience must  therefore stand up against terrorism, extremism, bigotry, racism and hate, everywhere in the world.

May our commitment and compassion hasten the day when all the Creator’s children will live together in understanding, harmony, and peace.

Marrakesh Declaration supporting religious minorities in Muslim majority countries.

Christian & Muslim Interfaith Event for Pakistani Christians – Better Relations between Christians & Muslims
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All Dulles Area Muslim Society focus on Religious Freedom Around The World

ADAMS hosted US Muslim & Christian Coalition (MCC) Inaugural Dinner and Fundraiser for Iraqi Christian Refugees.

Daily Prayers