ADAMS Condemns the despicable terrorist attack in Paris

The All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Condemns the despicable act of terror in Paris that took over 150 innocent lives and injured many more. We are deeply saddened by this monumental loss. Islam holds that the taking of a single life is the equivalent of the killing of all humanity, and we reiterate that nothing can ever justify terrorism and murder. Our thoughts and prayers are therefore with the victims and their families.

We stand in solidarity with all the people of France, and feel the pain they are suffering from these actions. All people of faith and conscience must stand up against terrorism, extremism, bigotry, racism, and hate.
We support the people of France and ask the Government of France to do everything possible to protect all communities from any such violence, and from any resulting retributive action toward any particular segments of French society including French Muslims and refugees.

We all share the grief and profound anguish of every person of good heart and faith in France, and around the world.

Fatwa(Religious Ruling) Against Terrorism

These horrific acts moreover should NOT be permitted to vilify and stereotype the peaceful and law abiding Muslim community in France, America and worldwide. These terrorists are not adhering to any religion, no matter how they may seek to deceitfully justify their actions. Their savage acts violate the most basic tenets of any and every religion. We reiterate our Islamic principle that teaches and commands freedom of religion, prohibits any compulsion in faith, and stands for the protection of life in every circumstance.

Paris has previously experienced violence, going as far back as the 1980s when Many Parisians and several US diplomats lost their lives at the hands of terrorist gangs. ADAMS Trustee Robert Marro, who served as Commercial Counselor at the American Embassy in Paris in the 1980’s, remembers well the constant need to be vigilant against terrorist threats from many different groups. We are profoundly sad that the passage of time has only exacerbated that threat for our French brothers and sisters, and wish them to know we stand shoulder to shoulder with their efforts to prevent such acts.

Since 2002, ADAMS has been a key member of the FBI Washington Field Office (WFO)’s American Muslim Sikh Advisory Committee. We consistently encourage open dialogue and cooperation between the Muslim community and law enforcement, to protect our nation’s safety while safeguarding individual civil rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. ADAMS has hosted several Town Hall meetings with the FBI WFO at our mosque, and had many advisory sessions with the WFO director and field agents, sharing mutual concerns and exploring ways of enhancing and strengthening our cooperation.

Additional References:

ADAMS is a National Community Outreach Partner with the FBI in its Arab/Muslim/Sikh/South Asian-American Category. See the section “Our Outreach Partners” on the FBI website:

ADAMS has also been a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Violent Extremism Working Group: (

MUFLEHUN – Counter-Radicalization organization – Chaired by Imam Magid (ADAMS) and Humera Khan (Executive Director):

One True Islam – Led by by Imam Magid(ADAMS) and Community Members of ADAMS
One True Islam Foundation
The Foundation would also like to establish an Operations Center as Phase II of its counter-messaging campaign to counter recruitment efforts in digital forums (social media, chat rooms, etc.), where extremists are most active.

ADAMS Hosts Seminar on Preventing Violent Extremism in the Muslim American Community since 2011:

Event: “Internet Safety Workshop- What Parents Need to Know”

New York Times Article:

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