ADAMS Condemns Execution-Style Murder of 3 Young Muslim & Christian Men in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Respond by doing Good Deeds

The All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) joins Americans nationwide in sending condolences and prayers for the two young Muslims and one young Christian of East African origin who were murdered execution-style in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Our thoughts are with the families of these victims. We urge the Fort Wayne Police, the FBI and ATF to quickly and thoroughly investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice.   
Nothing can possibly justify such a wanton act of senseless violence. We therefore condemn such a heinous crime and call upon all communities to respond to this horrific tragedy with good deeds. As two of the murdered young men had attended the Salvation Army Youth Center in Fort Wayne, we urge people to donate to the Salvation Army (
These horrific killings are too reminiscent of the killing of three Muslim students in Chapel Hill, NC a year ago. Consequently, we call on all law enforcement agencies to carefully scrutinize the motives for this latest outrage, to determine if this were a hate crime, or simply gang related.  In either case such a heinous crime warrants the full attention and examination of the local, State and Federal Government, and the local and national Media. 
These past weeks have seen other mass shootings in Ohio, Michigan, Kansas and Washington.  As Chairman Rizwan Jaka noted, “ADAMS offers our prayers and condolences to the families of all the victims, and demands justice for all cases.  And with some 74 school shootings in a two year period, we also urge Government and Law Enforcement to quickly find ways to stop such horrific mass shootings”  ADAMS President, Syed Moktadir, added, “We urgently need a top priority bi-partisan effort to prevent such tragedies, and to safeguard our schools, our families, and our country.”
ADAMS calls on all Americans to reach out to the bereaved in love and compassion, to support all efforts to determine the causes of such tragedies, and seek ways to heal the pain and remedy those causes. If every American could welcome others with acceptance, compassion and respect, we can work together to build a future of understanding and harmony for all.
Feb 28 – Execution Style Murder of 3 Young Men of East African Origin in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Feb 29 Ohio School Shootings Injured 4
Feb 26 Washington State Shootings Kill 4
Feb 25 – Kansas Shooting Kills 3 and Injures 14
Feb 21 – Michigan Shooting Kills 4 and Injures 2
74 school shootings in an 18 month period from 2012 to 2014) done by NON-Muslims.
FBI: 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about 1.4 million members are criminally active in the U.S. today NOTE: These are NON-Muslim Gangs)
Bureau of Justice: Almost 7 Million American In Jail, Prison, Parole, and Probation
Two Percent of Americans committing crimes


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