ADAMS Condemns Attack in Chattanooga, TN

The All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) condemns this horrific attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee. ADAMS community stands with our fellow citizens in offering condolences to the loved ones of those killed and injured.  Our prayers are with the families of US Marines who were murdered.  


We remind all people that criminals and murderers are not following the teachings of their religion.  These acts violate the most basic tenets of any religion especially in Islam. We also reiterate the Islamic principle that stands for the protection of life. ADAMS would like to remind all Americans that Islam holds the human soul in highest esteem, and rejects all forms of Violence.


These heinous acts moreover should NOT be permitted to vilify and stereotype the peaceful and law abiding Muslim community in America and worldwide.  This attack is especially disturbing to the many ADAMS community members and leaders, and the several thousand American Muslims nationwide, who have served or currently serve Honorably in the US Military.


We also take this sad occasion to remember one of our community members serving in the U.S. Army who was killed in action in 2005: Staff Sergeant Ayman Taha, United States Army.  We held funeral services at ADAMS Main Center Mosque in Sterling before he was buried with full honors in Arlington Cemetery.


This brutal attack reminds all Americans that we need to give special thanks to all those serving or who have served in the U.S. Department of Defense, from every faith group and every ethnicity. We thank them and their families for their sacrifice, dedication and service to our country.


An FBI study of terrorism on U.S. soil from 1980 to 2005 found that 94% of terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims (  In the past 14 years, nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, anti-government fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists, than by radical Muslims.  There is of course no justification for anyone taking the lives of other innocent Americans.


Since 2002, ADAMS has been a key member of the FBI Washington Field Office (WFO)’s American Muslim Sikh Advisory Committee.  We consistently encourage open dialogue and cooperation between the Muslim community and law enforcement, to protect our nation’s safety while safeguarding individual civil rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.  ADAMS has hosted several Town Hall meetings with the FBI WFO at our mosque, and had many advisory sessions with the WFO director and field agents, sharing mutual concerns and exploring ways of enhancing and strengthening our cooperation.


Additional References:


ADAMS is a National Community Outreach Partner with the FBI in its Arab/Muslim/Sikh/South Asian-American Category.  See the section “Our Outreach Partners” on the FBI website:


ADAMS has also been a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Violent Extremism Working Group: (


MUFLEHUN – Counter-Radicalization organization – Chaired by Imam Magid (ADAMS) and Humera Khan (Executive Director):


ADAMS Hosts Seminar on Preventing Violent Extremism in the Muslim American Community since 2011:

New York Times Article:


Daily Prayers